Talking Across Differences | Linn-Benton Community College-博天堂官方

Talking Across Differences

博天堂官方是美国第一所获得公民话语奖的社区学院 Leadership

Student panel at the Heterodox Academy’s Conference:

Student panel at the Heterodox Academy’s Conference:
Student-led Efforts to Bring Heterodoxy to Campus.
left to right: American Council on Education’s VP for Research, Lorelle Espinosa; Bridge USA CEO, Manu Meel; Author and Ted Talk Speaker, Zach Wood; 博天堂官方 Civil Discourse Club President, Brandon Calhoun; and the Power of WE at FSU’s Founder and Executive Chair, Inam Sakinah.

IN TODAY’S DIVIDED COUNTRY“红”和“蓝”的人真的有可能互相交谈吗 their differences and find common ground?, is it really possible for people who identify as “red” and “blue” to talk across their differences and find common ground?

博天堂官方的学生是这样认为的,最近一个全国性的组织——异端学院(Heterodox Academy)也是这样认为的 that studies viewpoint diversity in higher education, agreed. Linn-Benton Community 学院是全国第一所接受“公开质询”的社区学院 学生领导的“公民话语社”,是一个表现突出的社团 领导为我们社区的人们提供共同工作的途径,尽管 completely divergent ideological perspectives.

“这个奖项认可了当校园社区共同努力时可能发生的事情 创造一个支持自由表达、观点多样性和文明的环境 discourse. Our college and club’s student leaders are modeling what we need to see 更多的是在美国,”博天堂官方公民话语俱乐部顾问马克·乌里斯塔说.

Heterodox Academy's Open Inquiry Awards Ceremony in New York City.
Heterodox Academy's Open Inquiry Awards Ceremony in New York City.
从左至右:布兰登·卡尔霍恩,公民话语俱乐部主席和最初的创始人 Member; Debra Mashek, Heterodox Academy's Executive Director; Anthony Lusardi, Original Founding Member of the Civil Discourse Club; Mark Urista, Communication Faculty and Civil Discourse Club Advisor; Jonathan Haidt, Co-Founder of Heterodox Academy and Professor

学生布兰登·卡尔霍恩和安东尼·卢萨迪接受了该学院的奖项 6月20日在纽约市举行的非正统教徒年度大会上,他们也在那里服务 as panel speakers. As a highly-respected non-partisan advocate of constructive disagreement, 非正统学院的会议也吸引了媒体人士、管理人员 and professors across the country, and other student leaders.

作为传播系的一员,Urista观看了民间话语俱乐部 在他的教室里就展出的色情作品展开了辩论 北桑蒂亚姆大厅的一个繁忙的走廊,碰巧也是校园艺术的一部分 gallery. 有些人觉得这幅画令人反感,希望将其删除,而另一些人则认为 it expressive and were okay with it being uncensored and displayed.



这场辩论吸引了来自整个大学校园的学生、教师和领导 学生们认为这是一个练习公民话语技巧的机会 learning in class. The club was born as one team of students spoke in favor of the art, the other spoke against. Both teams were instructed on how to use constructive, 信息丰富、引人入胜的对话,让问题双方的人都能 be heard – a key component of the Heterodox Academy’s mission.

“当时,我们的校园社区高度分化,几乎没有参与 with those of differing perspectives on the artwork,” said Calhoun. “A small group 学生们决定聚在一起举行一场不以生产为目的的辩论 是赢家还是输家,但我们的目标是准确地描绘不同的视角 从那些在我们校园的回音室里产生的声音中提取出来 of learning.”
从那时起,民间话语俱乐部齐心协力,创造了一个开放和和谐的社会 相互尊重的环境,增进不同个体之间的理解 viewpoints; part of the club’s mission.

在过去的一年里,该俱乐部举办了两次免费开放的大型演讲活动 to the public: TED Talk speakers, Red Mom and Blue Mom; and John and Ciaran from the organization, Better Angels. Both events focused on how to share differing viewpoints 以一种有意义和尊重的方式——而不是试图改变对方的观点 view.


博天堂官方 Civil Discourse Club at the Albany Campus.

博天堂官方 Civil Discourse Club at the Albany Campus.

作为他们工作的证明,博天堂官方公民话语俱乐部最近被授予完整的章节 作为美国桥梁学院的一部分,这是第一个(也是迄今为止唯一的)社区学院分支 of the organization. Similar to Heterodox, Bridge USA works with future leaders on 大学校园要培养各种各样的想法可以被听到的空间.

"This work takes a tremendous amount of courage. Fortunately, we have that here."

Mark Urista

此外,博天堂官方是最近的《博天堂官方》杂志上唯一一所社区学院 article written by Jonathan Haidt and Debra Mashek. Titled “10 Colleges Where You “不必如履薄冰”,这篇文章强调了那些有决心的学校 包括亚利桑那州立大学,查普曼大学, University of Chicago, Kansas State, and Purdue, 

在给博天堂官方的颁奖信中,非正统学院指出: 以及林本顿社区学院公民话语俱乐部所展示的创新 是真正非凡的,是其他大学和大学的学生和教师的榜样 universities nationwide.


Brandon Calhoun and Trevor Lane
博天堂官方 Civil Discourse Club. Brandon Calhoun and Trevor Lane tabling at Mayfest 2019, Albany Campus.

《博天堂官方》杂志收集的数据反映了社区大学的独特之处 universities and private colleges. That data shows that community colleges tend to 在社会经济地位和政治观点方面有更多的多样性吗 view, demographics, and life experiences.

Heterodox Academy logo“因为我们的独特情况,我们是一个红蓝县社区 上大学时,我们别无选择,只能想办法养这两个孩子 世界彼此互动,并提供每个人都感到被包容的空间。” said Urista. “I think the work the college has done around free expression is a testament to our college leadership. This work takes a tremendous amount of courage. Fortunately, we have that here.”


